Swisscom AG

Speak up - We care!

Swisscom is concerned with the health and safety of its workforce and affected communities across its entire value chain. If you have been experiencing or witnessing cases of mistreatment or environmental degradation in your line of work, speak up now.

Anonymous. Safe. Available 24/7.

As Innovator of Trust, it is Swisscoms mission to safeguard the health and safety of individuals and affected communities across our entire value chain. As such we acknowledge that injustices and unfair treatment can occur despite the stringent standards that we implement with our suppliers – In this case we urge affected individuals to speak up via this channel.
Why should I submit a report?
What sort of reports will help your organisation?
What is the process for submitting a report? What is a postbox and how do I set up one?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?