Belimo Automation AG

Help to uphold the values and company culture of Belimo.

Our strongly anchored culture of trust as well as our credibility toward customers, business partners, shareholders and employees is of great value to us. As on a technical and operational level, we want to meet the highest standards from business and ethical perspectives as well. We therefore encourage all employees to always act with integrity, respect, fairness and honesty.

Lars van der Haegen
"Integrity and credibility are fixed components of our company culture. We must continue to uphold these values with care."

Belimo is committed to conducting its business in compliance with high ethical standards and applicable laws. To continue maintaining our integrity and prevent possible damages, we are interested in learning about serious malpractices. We encourage our employees, our customers and members of supplier and competitor companies to report violations in the areas of free competition, export and import regulations, environmental protection, occupational safety, corruption, fraud and breach of trust. After all, actions that violate the law or our code of conduct can do us lasting harm.

Because we value an open and trust-based company culture, we encourage every employee to discuss any observed violations with their supervisor or their Human Resources contact. If it is not possible for any reason whatsoever to turn to your supervisor, we ask that you take advantage of the whistleblower portal "BELIMO Integrity Channel". The report can be submitted easily, securely and anonymously. With the whistleblower portal, we have the ability to prevent damage to Belimo without forcing anyone to enter into any kind of conflict. The portal is operated by an independent, external partner and guarantees the confidential processing of the incident by the Belimo Integrity Team. This consists of Sandra Pitt (Global Head of HR) and Julia Cvitanic (General Counsel).

Reports must be handled responsibly since casting suspicion on another person can lead to serious consequences for that person. Whistleblowers are encouraged to only provide information whose correctness they are convinced about to the best of their knowledge and belief. Nobody who reports a suspected compliance violation in good faith needs to fear any negative consequences even if the report turns out to be unfounded.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Why should I submit a report?
What kind of reports help your organisation?
What is the process for submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?